
Tuesday, 5. June 2007

News Flash!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen

This Blog is soon to be closed due to changes in life and the limit looming in close distance. My new Blog is set up (could look nicer) and ready to go. The address is to be confirmed and will be announced soon.

It was great working with you. :)


Tuesday, 22. May 2007


I am now (inofficially) employed. (Contract will be in the post this week) !!!

Here's the inside scoop:

I had a look around one of my job-search websites and found this nice sounding job ad so I sent my CV. Soon after that a nice lady called me to invite me to her agency so that I could register. I went the next day and she said she'll send my CV to the company and hopefully that would lead to an interview. The next day she called me to say they wanna meet me. I went there today at 12pm and had to wait quite a while but that was ok. The company is based in Wimbledon and my job is called: Purchasing Support Assistant.

The interview went quite alright, the first part was a one-to-one with a German girl (I guess she was my age or bby's age or somewhere in-between) and the second part was her and two guys, Managers. We got along quite well and I left at about 1:30pm.

I then went to pick up some stuff at Sainsbury's across the road (muhahaha) and went home. And I called the nice lady from the agency to tell her how the whole thing went.

At about 3:40pm I got a call from the nice lady from the agency telling me that they offer me the job. They really want me. YES!

I'll start on 04.06.07


Monday, 7. May 2007

Bank Holiday May

Hello. This is what we did today:

Woke up quite late. Went to the Covent Garden Gym at about 12:30pm. Had Lunch at Wagamama...hmmmmmm. Went to Waterstone's and then had a coffee/hot chocolate at Costa. Then we went home. Nice. :D

Yesterday, my bby and I went to meet his mate + girlfriend. We met at the Southbank...somewhere along the river for Lunch...and ended up at Zizzi at Butlers Wharf. We had white wine and nice pasta and dessert..yummay. Then we parted andthe two of us took a bus to Holborn Circus cos bby wanted to go to Camera World. But we ended up being tired and all that and went home. Looong walk.

On Saturday, we went to Costa, walked around the shops a bit and then went shopping. After being home for about an hour or so, bby and I went out at 5:4pm with our cameras...then we met Mike for Dinner at Wagamama and then continued our Photo Tour....until about 12:30am.... (see Flickr for a few pics)

Nice weekend.

My mum just told me that she'll be in London from 17 may until 19 May with a friend. Nice. :)

Wednesday, 2. May 2007

Liverpool FC v. Chelsea FC 4:1


Wednesday, 25. April 2007

A Review

Accompanying Mike, we went to see 'Explosions In The Sky'from Austin, Texas who were supportet by 'Gravenhurst' at the London Astoria on 19 April 2007.

Before that we had dinner at 'Miso's' HOT!!! but yummay.

Entrance was at 6:30pm and we arrived at about 8pm or so. The ladies had a special 'line' at the doors (you know, where they search your bags etc) "Bodysearch Darling!!!!" Ow. O_o

We went upstairs to have a better view and better air and oh...more space. The stage was set but nothing happened. It felt like ages before finally a guy came on-stage who started fiddleing with the e-guitar. I was annoyed cos I thought it was the technician guy who was testing the instruments and sounds etc. but nooooo it was 'Gravenhurst'! Ahhhhh! 3 guys who looked like college geeks or the choose.


The songs were alright, singing was lame and the show itself wasn't very exciting, but the drummer was mad! I couldn't stop watching him! Awesome!

Then they finished, took their instruments with them and after a few minutes 4 other guys came onstage. It was 'EITS' and yeah...they set up their own stuff with a little help from the roadies (or whoever those people were). Then they started.


Well, what can I say:

Music Quality: Excellent
Sound: Excellent
Show: Non-existent
Special Effect: Great
Singing: Non-existent
Excitement Factor: 0-1

It was good music but it was unfortunately boring to watch. I dunno, I'm a visual-type and I need to see things so when I'm staring at 4 guys playing their instruments then that's exciting for about 1 or 2 songs. was one long song. No real breaks in between (which isn't bad but when everything sounds alike then you sort of lose track)
The last song was the best one. It also featured the special effect. You can say:

Nomen est Omen

The Marshall Amp "exploded". Amp
(Pop's the top part of the amp) It made some interesting sounds and then started to emit smoke.. A funny change. Looks like that's it said the guy who had caused it. Ah.

That wasn't the only problem though. The bassist lost his cable 3 times and whilst dealing with that he lost his bass due to a belt failure. Aww. I guess the whole thing was interesting to see and hear but I prefer this type of music on my Mp3 player or Stereo or the car, in bed or in the bath..somewhere where I can relax to it and where my mind can drift away..

Sigur Rós btw play similar gigs BUT with the big difference of providing visual "feedback". And singing..

Monday, 2. April 2007

The Weekend

In one of my last contributions to this blog I told you about bby being totally absorbed into "mountains" and stuff. Well, last sunday he dragged us out to Kemsing in Kent for a walk...

He spent hooooouuuurs on the saturday before to find a good walk and to plan it all out and all that and it was really getting on my nerves, especially when he was talking over my film again <_< we left Central London at about 9am, arrived in Kemsing at about 10:45am and started walking at about 11am...

We walked over fields, farmland, along roads, up hills, through forrests and down hills...

We watched jeeps and 4x4s driving through mud in a little forrest and walked past horses on an open field (only two but HEY..never done that before!) and in the end we went to one of the two pubs (The Bell) for lunch. The boys had Sunday Roast Lamb and I had Lemon sole with new potatoes and vegs. Yummay.

We took loads of photos which I will "make public" as soon as possible..

oh wait..there's one photo I can show you now:

Yeah baby!

That's me wearing my scarf as a turban. The wind was cold and it was more a storm than a wind so I decided to wrap the scarf around my head and to check that I don't look like a complete idiot I took that picture :p

On the way back we stopped in Otford to have a look at the universe. (<- clicky) Interesting but not mindblowing... besides, the wind that day was soooooooooooooooooooo cold. *brrrrr*


As you can see on the right that's a Delorean! We saw it while walking from Costa towards HMV about a week ago...

Of course we didn't stop to look at it like other people did but that was just because bby felt "weird" and said it was "wrong" to stop cos that would look sad or something along those lines.. *sigh*... <_< That's also the reason why this pic isn't that great (apart from the shitty quality of course ;) ) cos I had to take it while walking past... pah!

That was also the weekend when we made Tapas...yummay..we're so making that again soon... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Anyway...that's it for the ya later!

Thursday, 22. March 2007


That's right. Man, I am bored. It got cold again, no sunshine today (not that I'd go out to enjoy possible sunshine, nooo), nothing on the telly etc...

But thanks to a new thread I opened yesterday and to people who read it and posted in it I have a job starting tommorrow. It is only for 2 to 3 weeks but it is an admin position in the lovely Bellamy of Mayfair agency who specialise in Nanny and Housekeeper jobs. Special thanks to Nikki who offered me that role and who made it happen. Man I'm excited! Another good thing is that it is almost next door. Just walkthrough St. James's Park and you're there! No unnecessary driving and spending of loads of money on trains. Yeah!!! :D Working hours 9am - 5pm but Nikki said "We can make that shorter for you if you want". No, I'm alright. Thanks! :D

Other news:

Lovely Tezte and his lovely Bambi have a new flat. Together. I've seen a few pictures of it and it looks fantastic! *envyenvyenvy*

I need a haircut. I did something to my fringe (cut) but the back is just heavy and annoying. Meeeeh. <_<

Madeleine is coming to London this Saturday. I hope I can meet her again BUT we have to go food shopping AND there's the Englang match v Israel! I am not missing that again. Missed the last one when I went to Germany.

I'd love to go shopping. All those fantastic dresses, t-Shirts, jumpers, jeans, skirts, shoes, bags...ahhhh >_<

One of my ex-colleagues from one of my temp jobs is pregnant. Again *envyenvyenvy* but you know the story...It Shall Not Happen NOW! I wish her all the best and her little family. wub

Btw, we've seen "The number 23".... Carrey-23_2

Good film, fantastic storyline, good cast, can't remember the soundtrack at all aaaaand yeah, loved the dark mood and pictures. A few funny lines that remind of Jim's old characters and apart from a few "dry spells" that quickly got interesting again I can really recommend this film. Carrey-23

It's gym-time in a few minutes... I like going to the gym. I thought it would be harder BUT I really enjoy it. :) I still don't SEE any results but I can feel some. I am not as exhausted as I used to be when walking somewhere. My heartbeat is normal again and I can feel muscles...wohooo! ^_^

Hmmmm...I'm not sure if there're any more news. Bby's currently reading as much about Wales and mountains as possible. We're apparently planing on going back there in May or so and this time it's up the Glyders and Tryfan (<- clicky)...oh dear.


Tuesday, 13. March 2007

Happy Birthday

It was bby's 30th birthday yesterday and he had the day off. We had a nice little breakfast over at the Atrium: Kellog's Frosties. Yummay! Then we went back home and it was presents-time!

I got him the Scrabble Dictionary, an Indian recipe book (see pic), Indian-Book a bath pillow, a tiny bottle of bath stuff from Botanics, a special sponge, EDT from The Body Shop, a Hot-Stone-Massage-Kit and a card. :) Hope he liked it. He said he did.

Then we went out to get lunch. We ended up in a Tapas Bar. Yummay again! Had the usual: Omelett, Patatas Bravas, a salad and Meatballs. Hmmmmmmm.

Then we just wandered around, printed out some pictures, post office bla. Then went back to the Atrium and had a coffee, cake and a hot chocolate.

Then back home, waiting for Mike. I made them go to the gym earlier cause I still had to do the cake. I almost ruined it by not adhering to the instructions on the gelatine thing but it worked out in the end and after we had our dinner we had yummay peach-cake. Hmmmmmmmmmm. He also got more presents from Mike and his parents. He got a shirt and a DVD with the best bits from 1977 and the Apple Mighty Mouse. His nan gave him a PE Kit..

The funny bit is that I wanted to buy him the Mighty Mouse but then had loads of other ideas (see above). I talked to Mike who wanted to get him the PE Kit and he said he would get him the Mouse so the PE Kit went to his Nan and I got him all the above stuff. Hehe. I like how things work out sometimes. :)

So..Lunch time in a minute...

Friday, 9. March 2007

There is no such thing as...

..."Global Warming caused by humans".

Read these arguments and watch the trailer and if you manage to find it somewhere, watch the programme.

We've seen it last night and I have to say: I don't see a reason not to believe them. It wouldn't be the first time that we've all been lied to. That companies, scientists and politicians worked together in order to get more funds/money. To sell their environment-friendly cars/houses etc...

Of course, you should doubt everything the media says but this programme, these scientists have cleary shown why it cannot be humans who cause Global Warming. They explained in detail how in the past 1000 years or more the sun has influenced temperatures and not carbon dioxide, which only really was produced by humans when the Industrial Revolution started...But even before that the planet got hotter and hotter (Medieval Warm Period/Holocene Maximum)..also it got colder and colder (Mini Ice Age). Planet-Earth

So: why are we being lied to? Why can't they tell the truth?

I do know that cuttin back on CO2 emission is good and that being green does us all good but omg...just tell the damn truth?

Yeah, scare tactics work sometimes but do you see people care? No!

Click here for more information on Global Warming and the truth.

Btw. If you think I'm a bit naive to believe a single programme with about 20 scientists in it who all say the same: that Global Warming is not caused by us humans than fair enough, I can't stop you.
But aren't you a bit naive to belive a few politicians and companies who constantly lie and betray you so they can get your vote/money...? That's what it's all about: to be the man!

Friday, 23. February 2007


I got my long lost first love back! How was I ever able to live without?


I'm listening to "Scoundrel Days" and I could just cry because it's so great and I apparently missed them more than I thought I did.

And here my first love ever.

Morten drool

And a pic from the good ol' days.


*sigh* wub

Don't Go Missing

..if you do, come back

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Snow Patrol With Martha Wainwright ~ Set The Fire To The Third Bar

Favourite Tunes

Small Faces ~ Itchycoo Park//The Zombies ~ Time Of The Season


nur mal so... lange nichts...
nur mal so... lange nichts voneinander gehört. sollte...
Ignorey - Tue, 31. Mar, 23:02
The Lotus out of Mud...
I will try my best to forward this message to all my...
photo_retouching_Services - Mon, 22. Sep, 07:15
Please click here
...if you wanna know. Blackbird_y
Nev - Fri, 19. Oct, 22:55
Watt isn hier new? ach...
Watt isn hier new? ach nev.... 1 eintrag pro monat...
Ignorey - Fri, 14. Sep, 16:24
...of the limit that gives you...with all...
Nev - Fri, 15. Jun, 22:10

Without Music, Life would be a Mistake

Small Faces
Itchycoo Park

Snow Patrol /w Martha Wainwright
Set the Fire to the Third Bar

Bonnie 'Prince' Billy
I See a Darkness

Turn the Page, Read.

E. A. Proulx
Brokeback Mountain

Ethan Hawke
Ash Wednesday

J.R.R. Tolkien
Lord of the Rings

Michael Cunningham
A Home at the End of the World

Type in and find out...



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