
Monday, 19. February 2007


Well, I went a bit craaazzzyyyyy and posted a few blogthing-results. Have a look and tell me what you think eg. are they right? :)

On another note: We're back from Germany. We had a nice week with lots of nice food, swimming, sightseeing and shopping (me ;))

The weather was supposed to be rubbish the whole week but apart from 2 or 3 days it was really nice and sunny. Pics might follow.

Wednesday, 7. February 2007


Hey there... I'm currently in Germany. I also have no idea what to write soooooo I leave you with a riddle:

What's round and evil?

A vicious circle... MWAHAHAHAHAHA

Thursday, 25. January 2007

I hate headers!

And we've been to the cinema again. On Sunday. We've seen 'Pan's Labyrinth' which is a great mexican film set in Spain in Spanish with a fantastic storyline, pictures, cast and soundtrack. Go and see it!!!!!!
Plot Summary: In 1944, during a Fascist regime that followed the country’s Civil War, a young girl named Ofelia (Ivana Baquero) and her mother are forced to relocate to rural Spain to live with the girl’s stepfather, Captain Vidal (Sergi López). As the leader of a military unit sworn to fight any rebels in the territory, Vidal is the epitome of Fascism and a brutally abusive stepfather to Ofelia. Her loneliness and vivid imagination lead her to a fantastic discovery of an incredible stone labyrinth near her new home. When she ventures inside, she discovers a surreal world full of mythical creatures that hail her as their princess. Ofelia soon meets the otherworldly Pan (Doug Jones), who gives her three dangerous tasks to complete before she can return home. For the 11-year old girl, it is a magnificent escape that will help her cope with the harsh realities of the world she left.

There was something else I wanted to write about but of course! I forgot what it was. Damn it!

Guess that I'll have to come back as soon as I remember.

*make mental note: do not think about what to write when in bed.

Wednesday, 17. January 2007

Something new

We've been to the cinema last night to see "the Holiday"...

I can't say it was worth it's money (£12.50!!!!!!!!!!!) but it was alright. Kate Winslet and Jack Black saved it. Jude Law was alright but not the best Actor around.

The landscape was awesome, the soundtrack was great (Hans Zimmer, what do you expect :)) the two kids were cute and really good BUT I swear that I'll never watch a film that has Cameron Diaz in it AGAIN! She's so annoying. Her acting is so rubbish. >_< Also, you might not notice in an all-American cast but with Jude and Kate being British actors you do notice how "American" Cameron is and how annoying that can get.


In other news, I joined the gym today. I had an assesment with Mark who was really nice and who showed me around gave me tips etc. He wrote me a program of 30 mins cardio and 30 mins weights. I did know before but it was confirmed today: I am sooo weak. My arms and legs are/were like jelly. Everything I lifted after coming back from the gym felt really heavy (7UP-can, bread with ham on it... O_o *lol*) I'm going back tomorrow morning to do my first full work-out. I just had a few minutes on everything today as we went through it.

I weighed myself today after getting dressed in the said 59 which is even better than the 60 I was last time I weighed myself...a few weeks ago at he Doc. And it means that I lost weight..about 6Kg...yeah!!! (I could tell anyway..I'm constantly losing my trousers o_o)

Soo..that's it for now. :x

Friday, 5. January 2007


I'm sitting here in Slough, near Windsor and I'm working for a well-known and popular toy company.

I'm working for their customer service department and it's quite relaxed here. Still, things suck and I'm just glad I get paid for being bored most of the time.

I'm hungry. <_<

Tuesday, 2. January 2007

25 years and 1 day

Happy Birthday to meeee Happy Birthday to meeeeee... :D


This is the chocolate cake that my Bby got me at about 9 in the evening for my birthday. He and his brother both sang "Happy Birthday" for me and then we watched "Life of Brian" :D

Thank you!! *kss

Here is what I got for my birthday:
  • SNIFF tissues and a card(Bby)
  • Longshirt, rainbow colours (Bby)
  • "Six Feet Under" - The complete second season (Bby)
  • Scrabble!!! (bby)
  • metal box with biscuit cutters in the shape of the ABC and a card(Bby's brother Mike)
  • £20 and a card (Bby's parents)
  • £10 and a card (Bby's Nan)
  • a card (Bby's Grandad)
  • 100.00EUR (Mum)
  • Underwear (Mum)
  • black T-Shirt (Mum)
  • Tights (Mum)
  • 100.00EUR (Dad)
  • 250.00EUR (Grandad and Nan)
  • Peanuts "Snoopy" slippers that look like socks and a card(Aunty)
  • Underwear (Aunty)
  • Lipgloss (Aunty)
  • Baking Book (Aunty)
  • Tampons *lol* (Aunty)
Fantastic isn't it? Thank you very much everyone :wub: and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

Wednesday, 27. December 2006


So, here we are...5 days away from 2007. We spent christmas with the family and had lots of presents (list follows), food and fun. Played alot of Scrabble too. I only won once though..Bby won the other 200 games or so.

Called the family in Germany too. Nice surprise. :)

Here's the list:
  • Santa Hat (Bby)
  • 3x SNIFF Christmas Tissues (Bby)
  • soft, pink socks (Bby)
  • "The Lake House" (Bby)
  • "Six Feet Under" - The complete first series (Bby)
  • Oxford Dictionary - the BIG one (Bby)
  • Christmas Socks (Bby's brother Mike)
  • £10 H&M Voucher or Shopping Card (not sure yet) (Bby's sister Caroline)
  • Lacoste "Inspiration" Perfume + Body Lotion (Bby's parents)
  • Candles (Bby's Nan)
  • £10 (Bby's Grandad)
  • Socks (Mum)
  • Recipe Book with my favourite recipes (Mum + Nan)
  • 50 EUR (Mum)
  • Winter Hat (Mum)
  • cuddly toy (Mum)
  • 100.00EUR (Dad)
  • 250.00EUR (Grandad and Nan)
  • Sweets (Nan)
  • Woolly Jumper (Nan)
  • cuddly toy (Nan)
  • Socks (Aunty)
  • Gloves (Aunty)
  • Sweets (Aunty)
  • cuddly toy (Aunty)
  • 2 German Books "Vollidiot" and "Resturlaub" (Zara)
  • loads of little useful things like shampoo and pens and chocolate (Zara)
Nice! :D Thanx everyone! Kisses

That's it for now....

Monday, 18. December 2006

Es gibt Reis!

Yeah, we had rice today, in a wrap with tuna, tomatoes, cucumber and basil pesto. Hmmmmmmmm.

Also I finally managed to make biscuits. They smell fantastic and according to my bby and his brother they taste great. Yeah! My first biscuits!!! *proud*

Only 6 days to go until christmas. *excited* I can't wait!!

My bby's sitting in front of his fancy laptop and is looking at videos of men doing sit-ups. He's got like 48 of them..phew. Whatever makes him happy.. :-s

We're going to Canterbury on Thursday. Should be great too. We'll see.

I realised today that I haven't been with my family for christmas since 2002. Wow. Hm...what can I say? It's not easy when everybody lives somewhere else and you have to choose where to spend your holidays. (It might even been longer..2001 or so...who knows)

@everybody in my Yahoo addressbook: Yahoo's been a PITA lately..soo be patient please. :)

That's it from me. Would be great if I heard from "you"... ;)

Wednesday, 13. December 2006


Bill Bryson becomes honorary OBE

Tessa Jowell and Bill Bryson
Bill Bryson's first book was published in 1985

American author Bill Bryson has been made an honorary OBE for his contribution to literature.

Bryson, who is best known for his witty travel writings, received the honour from Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell.

"I am surprised and very grateful to receive an honorary Order of the British Empire. It is a great honour," said the 55-year-old.

Ms Jowell said: "Despite having been born and raised in the US, he has become a true British institution."

Bryson, who has also worked as a journalist for the Times and the Independent, had his first book published in 1985.

He has gone on to write about the history of the English language in Mother Tongue and science in A Short History of Nearly Everything, for which he won the Aventis Prize in 2004.

Among his travel writings are Notes from a Big Country, about his pursuits around America, and Notes from a Small Island, which features his musings on Great Britain.

Last year the best-selling writer became chancellor of Durham University.

Wednesday, 6. December 2006

News, Views and Reviews

Well, it's been a while since I last posted something about me. Where should I start? Not much to tell really. I've finished my christmas shopping a few days ago. When I say finished, I mean for the English part of the my world. I have no idea what to do about the German part. :(

I have some really nice presents and I hope everybody likes them. I'm looking forward to this years christmas cos it will be totally different from what I know. For example christmas is on 25th December not on 24th but we decided to have a little christmas celebration for me with Christmas-Pizza. Hehe.
ChristmasPizza ((c) by Fotosearch)

Today I went to take a test for the job I applied for. The test was alright. I had to wait an hour cos they had some "technical problems". The test itself was about 10 minutes. Data entry and numerical problem solving. I was a bit nervous about the math-part of it but it was easier than I thought it would be. Yeah! So now, let's hope they want me and send an invitation for an interview next week. >_<

We bought three christmas candles. They're smelly candles and they smell gooooood. Hmmm.

I also found out this week that my beloved man thought I don't like "marriage" and thought it was ridiculous etc. Yeah. He's right...but that was 10 years ago. I still think marriage is ridiculous when it is done for the wrong reasons, or when it is people who spend 10,000+ for the wedding. THAT'S ridiculous! So..ask me the question Noel. V_V
This is me as you can see. I took this picture with my new/old phone a few weeks ago. I had one of those moments where you dress weird/different, wear your hair weird/different and then you have to take a picture cos you might never look like that again. Haha.. (I look like my Dad!! O_O)

Today is the day: ITV shows "Love Actually"...the best romantic film of modern times. I could cry thinking about it. And I always end up crying at the end. It is funny, lovely, sad...everything good. :) Can't wait!!!

Well. That's it for now I guess. Today is Nikolaus and my Nan's Birthday. Happy Birthday Nan!!!!

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Snow Patrol With Martha Wainwright ~ Set The Fire To The Third Bar

Favourite Tunes

Small Faces ~ Itchycoo Park//The Zombies ~ Time Of The Season


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nur mal so... lange nichts voneinander gehört. sollte...
Ignorey - Tue, 31. Mar, 23:02
The Lotus out of Mud...
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photo_retouching_Services - Mon, 22. Sep, 07:15
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...if you wanna know. Blackbird_y
Nev - Fri, 19. Oct, 22:55
Watt isn hier new? ach...
Watt isn hier new? ach nev.... 1 eintrag pro monat...
Ignorey - Fri, 14. Sep, 16:24
...of the limit that gives you...with all...
Nev - Fri, 15. Jun, 22:10

Without Music, Life would be a Mistake

Small Faces
Itchycoo Park

Snow Patrol /w Martha Wainwright
Set the Fire to the Third Bar

Bonnie 'Prince' Billy
I See a Darkness

Turn the Page, Read.

E. A. Proulx
Brokeback Mountain

Ethan Hawke
Ash Wednesday

J.R.R. Tolkien
Lord of the Rings

Michael Cunningham
A Home at the End of the World

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