
Friday, 27. January 2006

NO!!!! >_< :´(

22-20s split
The band decide to call it a day

Following four years together, the band have decided to part ways blaming an intensive touring schedule which "put us in a state of arrested development at a crucial time".

In a lengthy statement on the band's Myspace page,, singer Martin Trimble said: "Listening to Lightnin' Hopkins, Albert King and Buddy Guy made me want to pick up a guitar. What immediately made me fall in love with blues was the rawness, simplicity and the truth of it. I wanted 22-20s to be about taking that essence and using it as fuel to create something both we and other people could relate to.

"I think initially most bands wear their influences on their sleeve but for a number of reasons we've not been able to go beyond that first stage. It was always our desire to start writing and recording a follow-up record as soon as the first studio album was recorded. That didn't happen - we toured for a year and a half. There is a prevailing myth within music that touring is always the hard-working, 'honest' way to connect with people. The reality for us is that I think it is difficult to move away from a certain sound when you are reminded of it every night. Unfortunately we were not surrounded by people who understood that."

He continued: "Honesty is about playing songs you passionately believe in, playing in a band you passionately believe in and I am no longer able to say that about 22-20s. I am no longer comfortable being in a band named after a blues song. Much like the last record it indicates where I was four years ago and what I was listening to. It doesn't accurately reflect what I listen to now and where I want to go. I'm no longer comfortable with people's perception of what we represent.

"Being in a hard working, British-blues touring band has never been something I've wished to endorse yet that's we what appear to have drifted into. In light of this, a decision has been made to call it a day and to go our separate ways."

Trimble revealed that he is currently working on new material.

I can't believe it. :( At least I've seen them live in London which was great. *sigh* :(

Saturday, 17. December 2005


It's been a nice day so far. Had breakfast with a friend..then talked about this and that, then learned some English with her (Indirect Speech) and now I'm sitting here with my head looking weird cos I'm dying my hair...also I just finished watching "Ice Age" again..which makes me laugh and cry... :)

Hope it'll turn out alright.

And in other news:
I almost got hit by a car yesterday O_o ...I was trying to cross a street (of course not where the traffic lights are but before them/next to them (?))...One car was stopping for us mainly because its lights were red....I stepped on the street...then double-checked if it had really stopped..yes it the middle of the road I suddenly saw a car speeding into my direction...and if I hadn't been able to jump out of the way it would have hit me..(sometimes you're so can't move..lucky me I was rather angry at the driver for speeding although the lights were red..that I wasn't shocked) v_v

Disclaimer: possible mistakes (tenses and so on) are without any purpose. ;-)

Monday, 14. November 2005


I wish I could use different colours for each entry. Does someone happen to know if I can do that cos it looks so boring..I´d even be happy with different colours for the titles of the entries.


Anyway, uhm I´m having a biscuit.

I started writing something the other everything else I wrote so far it came out of nowhere and I have no idea what it means...

I dunno, it sort of suxx when nobody understands what I´m writing about. On one hand it´s can one be proud of "complex thinking"? If 'yes' then I certainly am proud of it. *lol* On the other hand it´s just people reading my stuff, telling me "Yeah it´s nice" but they have no f*cking clue what I´m talking about :( although it often is so simple (at least that´s what I think).

Maybe...maybe it´s all just a big pile of sh...

Now I´m at a point where I forgot what I wanted to write. Great.

Sunday, 13. November 2005


..are boring. But not this one. My friend Zara called me just when I was having a boring yoghurt and asked me if I wanted to go to a flea market with her and her friend Elsa. Sure. Good decision, since the sun was shining and it was not too cold and yeah..I needed to move my lazy arse a bit. ;)

I found a nice Poster that, when I looked at it, seemed to fit perfectly in our kitchen. *dreams* I HAD to buy it!


I love those flowers and the blue of the sky and yeah..I have a thing for asian thingys.

I also bought some "incense" (have to trust LEO on this one)

Sandalwood and Pine

Wonderful. Hmmmmmm.

What else. Oh yeah. After that, we went to that American "Diner" Restaurant and had some Cheeseburger+Chips+Coleslaw...yummay.

Really a wonderful day and we said that we wanna try and do something like that more often. We´ll see what happens.

Saturday, 12. November 2005

England 3 - Argentina 2



I haven´t seen it thx to 1) broken TV and 2) stupid German TV which doesn´t seem to care about English games... <_< BUT I heard it was an awesome game and that is all I need to know. :D

Well done...just remember how to do it next year.

Friday, 11. November 2005


It is really hard to start and try writing about last saturday. Not because it was a bad day but because it was a wonderful day (after we had escaped the Deutsche Bahn that is). We´ve spent the weekend in Dresden to see Sigur Rós, the town and each other.

It´s not worth writing about that incapable bunch of idiots that is the Deutsche Bahn. So when we finally arrived in Dresden it was already dark and late, late for a concert that starts at about 8pm. So we rushed to our hotel - which is a wonderful place, highly recommended. ;)


The taxi we ordered turned out to be a black Audi A6 which we thought was woah, cos we felt like VeryImportantPersons...well, at least I did. Haha.

So, eventually we got to the Kulturpalast, got our tickets and found our seats. Amina were just playing their last but one song and it sounded great. Also, I loved their dresses.

The lights went on when their show was over and we had some time to look at all the people as well as the venue. Everyone was very calm, relaxed, friendly.

We didn´t have to wait long. The curtain came down and the band went on stage. Applause. They opened with Glósóli.
I can´t remember in what order the songs were but they played I think all songs from Takk, Ný Batteri, Viðrar Vel Til Loftárása, Untitled 1. Of course, Untitled 8 was the closer as usually.

The fact that they played Viðrar... AND Untitled 1 is still unbelievable cos that were the two songs we REALLY had wished for. And it was awesome hearing them live.
Oh, btw. some morons HAD to clap their hands during that short pause in Viðrar.... Phew. But it was breathtaking, goosebumps-giving nevertheless.

I don´t wanna moan about people not paying attention but talking to each other (I couldn´t hear them - thank XXX - but it was enough to have her head in my field of vision all of the time. >:-( ) it´s just a waste of time ;).

Oh, here´s one of the pictures we took:


Yeah, what can I say that has not been said yet? Not much: Just the usual words: amazing, breathtaking, awesome (drummer!!), beautiful (especially Jonsí´s voice), calm, exciting...etc.

I´d love to see them again some time. Hope they come back. Until then, Biðin Gerir Mig Leiðan.

An Alright Start

So, hier ist er nun...mein neuer, frischer Platz zum Austoben, vollmüllen und was nich noch alles.

Dank geht an Tetze (der hier im Übrigen auch Blogger ist), denn er hat mir diesen schicken Ort ans Herz gelegt..

Ich weiß noch nich so recht, ob ich in Deutsch, Englisch oder beidem schreiben soll, da gewisse Menschen in meinem Leben die für sie jeweils fremde Sprache nicht verstehen. Hm. Ich werde drüber nachdenken.

Bis dahin hoffe ich auf Spaß.

LG, Nev

Don't Go Missing

..if you do, come back

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Snow Patrol With Martha Wainwright ~ Set The Fire To The Third Bar

Favourite Tunes

Small Faces ~ Itchycoo Park//The Zombies ~ Time Of The Season


nur mal so... lange nichts...
nur mal so... lange nichts voneinander gehört. sollte...
Ignorey - Tue, 31. Mar, 23:02
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Watt isn hier new? ach nev.... 1 eintrag pro monat...
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Without Music, Life would be a Mistake

Small Faces
Itchycoo Park

Snow Patrol /w Martha Wainwright
Set the Fire to the Third Bar

Bonnie 'Prince' Billy
I See a Darkness

Turn the Page, Read.

E. A. Proulx
Brokeback Mountain

Ethan Hawke
Ash Wednesday

J.R.R. Tolkien
Lord of the Rings

Michael Cunningham
A Home at the End of the World

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