25 years and 1 day
Happy Birthday to meeee Happy Birthday to meeeeee... :D

This is the chocolate cake that my Bby got me at about 9 in the evening for my birthday. He and his brother both sang "Happy Birthday" for me and then we watched "Life of Brian" :D
Thank you!! *kss
Here is what I got for my birthday:

This is the chocolate cake that my Bby got me at about 9 in the evening for my birthday. He and his brother both sang "Happy Birthday" for me and then we watched "Life of Brian" :D
Thank you!! *kss
Here is what I got for my birthday:
- SNIFF tissues and a card(Bby)
- Longshirt, rainbow colours (Bby)
- "Six Feet Under" - The complete second season (Bby)
- Scrabble!!! (bby)
- metal box with biscuit cutters in the shape of the ABC and a card(Bby's brother Mike)
- £20 and a card (Bby's parents)
- £10 and a card (Bby's Nan)
- a card (Bby's Grandad)
- 100.00EUR (Mum)
- Underwear (Mum)
- black T-Shirt (Mum)
- Tights (Mum)
- 100.00EUR (Dad)
- 250.00EUR (Grandad and Nan)
- Peanuts "Snoopy" slippers that look like socks and a card(Aunty)
- Underwear (Aunty)
- Lipgloss (Aunty)
- Baking Book (Aunty)
- Tampons *lol* (Aunty)
Nev - Tue, 2. Jan, 11:42