Okay..most of you have heard it already but since this is the diary - here it is again:

So...anyone remember that I mentioned that I found a job? Nothing major but still..it gets me some money..

Well, yesterday I was told that they can't keep me and the reason is: "You're amazing at the till and all the technical and practical stuff but unfortunately you lack customer skills" I was like o_o >:-( I so DON'T lack customer skills..I know I am good..customers like me and I'm always doing a good job. What I said was: Hm..yeah..I was a bit unsure about how everything works, first job in England and all..blah.
Then she said they noticed that I'm not really talking to them (colleagues), avoiding them almost. And they're right...kind of. When you arrive at work and your colleague says: "Hi, how are you today?" but with this >:-( or this <_< expression..I doubt you're happy to talk to them. Well, there where two girls I liked (one i met today, my last day) they made it easy for me to drop my shyness. They just talked to me, asked me things all that.

Then the Shop Manager. I met her at the interview, then she went on a two weeks holiday. I worked with her on Thursday which is the only day I worked with her. She wasn't even the one telling me to go. She let her assistant do it and called in sick. Well, a few (3) people (Managers from other branches and/from Head Office) came to her and said: Look, that girl needs to smile more, needs to do this and that and this and that...They met me like once, and for only 5-10 minutes. Phew

Bottom line of everything is: It's not my personality that's the problem, but I need to exaggerate, over-do it, fake myself.

Sorry, can't do that. I am what I am..I do smile, I am friendly to the customers and I was trying hard to get along with the colleagues but I need time to open up and be "friends" with people. If you don't have time to let me get "into it all" then you're not worth it. And for no job in the world I'm faking myself!

Sry, I'm probably not making much sense..I just wanted to talk about it cos I find it so ridiculous and I am also so angry. Especially since all the stuff that I did wrong..they're doing too, like: standing behind the counter (= being available/approachable), not enough sampling" (giving free IceTea samples), not saying "Hello" enough..all this..pah! Boh.
>:-( So you're saying I'm good enough for a supermarket but not for fancy great company? Argh.

Sry again. v_v


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Without Music, Life would be a Mistake

Small Faces
Itchycoo Park

Snow Patrol /w Martha Wainwright
Set the Fire to the Third Bar

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I See a Darkness

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Brokeback Mountain

Ethan Hawke
Ash Wednesday

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Lord of the Rings

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A Home at the End of the World

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