Monday, 2. April 2007

The Weekend

In one of my last contributions to this blog I told you about bby being totally absorbed into "mountains" and stuff. Well, last sunday he dragged us out to Kemsing in Kent for a walk...

He spent hooooouuuurs on the saturday before to find a good walk and to plan it all out and all that and it was really getting on my nerves, especially when he was talking over my film again <_< we left Central London at about 9am, arrived in Kemsing at about 10:45am and started walking at about 11am...

We walked over fields, farmland, along roads, up hills, through forrests and down hills...

We watched jeeps and 4x4s driving through mud in a little forrest and walked past horses on an open field (only two but HEY..never done that before!) and in the end we went to one of the two pubs (The Bell) for lunch. The boys had Sunday Roast Lamb and I had Lemon sole with new potatoes and vegs. Yummay.

We took loads of photos which I will "make public" as soon as possible..

oh wait..there's one photo I can show you now:

Yeah baby!

That's me wearing my scarf as a turban. The wind was cold and it was more a storm than a wind so I decided to wrap the scarf around my head and to check that I don't look like a complete idiot I took that picture :p

On the way back we stopped in Otford to have a look at the universe. (<- clicky) Interesting but not mindblowing... besides, the wind that day was soooooooooooooooooooo cold. *brrrrr*


As you can see on the right that's a Delorean! We saw it while walking from Costa towards HMV about a week ago...

Of course we didn't stop to look at it like other people did but that was just because bby felt "weird" and said it was "wrong" to stop cos that would look sad or something along those lines.. *sigh*... <_< That's also the reason why this pic isn't that great (apart from the shitty quality of course ;) ) cos I had to take it while walking past... pah!

That was also the weekend when we made Tapas...yummay..we're so making that again soon... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Anyway...that's it for the ya later!

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Snow Patrol With Martha Wainwright ~ Set The Fire To The Third Bar

Favourite Tunes

Small Faces ~ Itchycoo Park//The Zombies ~ Time Of The Season


nur mal so... lange nichts...
nur mal so... lange nichts voneinander gehört. sollte...
Ignorey - Tue, 31. Mar, 23:02
The Lotus out of Mud...
I will try my best to forward this message to all my...
photo_retouching_Services - Mon, 22. Sep, 07:15
Please click here
...if you wanna know. Blackbird_y
Nev - Fri, 19. Oct, 22:55
Watt isn hier new? ach...
Watt isn hier new? ach nev.... 1 eintrag pro monat...
Ignorey - Fri, 14. Sep, 16:24
...of the limit that gives you...with all...
Nev - Fri, 15. Jun, 22:10

Without Music, Life would be a Mistake

Small Faces
Itchycoo Park

Snow Patrol /w Martha Wainwright
Set the Fire to the Third Bar

Bonnie 'Prince' Billy
I See a Darkness

Turn the Page, Read.

E. A. Proulx
Brokeback Mountain

Ethan Hawke
Ash Wednesday

J.R.R. Tolkien
Lord of the Rings

Michael Cunningham
A Home at the End of the World

Type in and find out...



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