Friday, 9. March 2007

There is no such thing as...

..."Global Warming caused by humans".

Read these arguments and watch the trailer and if you manage to find it somewhere, watch the programme.

We've seen it last night and I have to say: I don't see a reason not to believe them. It wouldn't be the first time that we've all been lied to. That companies, scientists and politicians worked together in order to get more funds/money. To sell their environment-friendly cars/houses etc...

Of course, you should doubt everything the media says but this programme, these scientists have cleary shown why it cannot be humans who cause Global Warming. They explained in detail how in the past 1000 years or more the sun has influenced temperatures and not carbon dioxide, which only really was produced by humans when the Industrial Revolution started...But even before that the planet got hotter and hotter (Medieval Warm Period/Holocene Maximum)..also it got colder and colder (Mini Ice Age). Planet-Earth

So: why are we being lied to? Why can't they tell the truth?

I do know that cuttin back on CO2 emission is good and that being green does us all good but omg...just tell the damn truth?

Yeah, scare tactics work sometimes but do you see people care? No!

Click here for more information on Global Warming and the truth.

Btw. If you think I'm a bit naive to believe a single programme with about 20 scientists in it who all say the same: that Global Warming is not caused by us humans than fair enough, I can't stop you.
But aren't you a bit naive to belive a few politicians and companies who constantly lie and betray you so they can get your vote/money...? That's what it's all about: to be the man!

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nur mal so... lange nichts...
nur mal so... lange nichts voneinander gehört. sollte...
Ignorey - Tue, 31. Mar, 23:02
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Please click here
...if you wanna know. Blackbird_y
Nev - Fri, 19. Oct, 22:55
Watt isn hier new? ach...
Watt isn hier new? ach nev.... 1 eintrag pro monat...
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Without Music, Life would be a Mistake

Small Faces
Itchycoo Park

Snow Patrol /w Martha Wainwright
Set the Fire to the Third Bar

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I See a Darkness

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Brokeback Mountain

Ethan Hawke
Ash Wednesday

J.R.R. Tolkien
Lord of the Rings

Michael Cunningham
A Home at the End of the World

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