Thursday, 25. January 2007

I hate headers!

And we've been to the cinema again. On Sunday. We've seen 'Pan's Labyrinth' which is a great mexican film set in Spain in Spanish with a fantastic storyline, pictures, cast and soundtrack. Go and see it!!!!!!
Plot Summary: In 1944, during a Fascist regime that followed the country’s Civil War, a young girl named Ofelia (Ivana Baquero) and her mother are forced to relocate to rural Spain to live with the girl’s stepfather, Captain Vidal (Sergi López). As the leader of a military unit sworn to fight any rebels in the territory, Vidal is the epitome of Fascism and a brutally abusive stepfather to Ofelia. Her loneliness and vivid imagination lead her to a fantastic discovery of an incredible stone labyrinth near her new home. When she ventures inside, she discovers a surreal world full of mythical creatures that hail her as their princess. Ofelia soon meets the otherworldly Pan (Doug Jones), who gives her three dangerous tasks to complete before she can return home. For the 11-year old girl, it is a magnificent escape that will help her cope with the harsh realities of the world she left.

There was something else I wanted to write about but of course! I forgot what it was. Damn it!

Guess that I'll have to come back as soon as I remember.

*make mental note: do not think about what to write when in bed.

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Snow Patrol With Martha Wainwright ~ Set The Fire To The Third Bar

Favourite Tunes

Small Faces ~ Itchycoo Park//The Zombies ~ Time Of The Season


nur mal so... lange nichts...
nur mal so... lange nichts voneinander gehört. sollte...
Ignorey - Tue, 31. Mar, 23:02
The Lotus out of Mud...
I will try my best to forward this message to all my...
photo_retouching_Services - Mon, 22. Sep, 07:15
Please click here
...if you wanna know. Blackbird_y
Nev - Fri, 19. Oct, 22:55
Watt isn hier new? ach...
Watt isn hier new? ach nev.... 1 eintrag pro monat...
Ignorey - Fri, 14. Sep, 16:24
...of the limit that gives you...with all...
Nev - Fri, 15. Jun, 22:10

Without Music, Life would be a Mistake

Small Faces
Itchycoo Park

Snow Patrol /w Martha Wainwright
Set the Fire to the Third Bar

Bonnie 'Prince' Billy
I See a Darkness

Turn the Page, Read.

E. A. Proulx
Brokeback Mountain

Ethan Hawke
Ash Wednesday

J.R.R. Tolkien
Lord of the Rings

Michael Cunningham
A Home at the End of the World

Type in and find out...



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