So, we're back from Wales and the mountains. We actually climbed two: Snowdon on the Saturday and a "little" (300m) one before breakfast on Monday. Picures coming soon!
On another note: got another appointment for a job on Tuesday. Hope it's something I can do and I hope they want me. It's a Translator job which actually is exactly what I'm dreaming of.
So..lovewise everything seems and feels perfect. I hope it stays like this because I can't cope with it being all awkward and weird. :wub:
More notes coming soon, also pics..
On another note: got another appointment for a job on Tuesday. Hope it's something I can do and I hope they want me. It's a Translator job which actually is exactly what I'm dreaming of.
So..lovewise everything seems and feels perfect. I hope it stays like this because I can't cope with it being all awkward and weird. :wub:
More notes coming soon, also pics..
Nev - Sat, 5. Aug, 21:42