Tuesday, 11. July 2006

16 days to go...


William Wordsworth ~ Conclusion

In one of those Excursions (may they ne'er
Fade from remembrance!), through the Northern tracts
Of Cambria ranging with a youthful Friend,
I left Bethgellert's huts at couching-time,
And westward took my way, to see the sun
Rise, from the top of Snowdon. To the door
Of a rude cottage at the mountain's base
We came, and roused the shepherd who attends
The adventurous stranger's steps, a trusty guide;
Then, cheered by short refreshment, sallied forth.

[Prelude, XIV, 1-6]

Great Quotes #0

"...successful callers will be asked to leave their contact details. Not all calls will be successfull but all calls will be charged."

Ahhh, sure. :s

I sooooo love this show!


click here to read about DOND

Sunday, 9:20pm


What is going on

So, it's Tuesday which means "LOST-day" *sigh* yay! >_<
Anyway...at the moment I'm sitting here in the front room, watching a programme on finding some family a house in Devon (beautiful) and trying to find a haircut that might look good on me. I'm also trying to interpret the dreams I had last night.
The following symbols were
  • death (me being murdered that is)
  • loneliness
  • scared
  • love
  • losing hair
  • illness
scary...especially since the meaning of it all is basically that I have problems. Oh really?! :s

Hm. wow..you should see those houses they're looking at. Amazing. Oh, the show is called "Escape to the country"..hm makes sense now.

I dunno what else to write at the moment...maybe I come back later.

Don't Go Missing

..if you do, come back

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Snow Patrol With Martha Wainwright ~ Set The Fire To The Third Bar

Favourite Tunes

Small Faces ~ Itchycoo Park//The Zombies ~ Time Of The Season


nur mal so... lange nichts...
nur mal so... lange nichts voneinander gehört. sollte...
Ignorey - Tue, 31. Mar, 23:02
The Lotus out of Mud...
I will try my best to forward this message to all my...
photo_retouching_Services - Mon, 22. Sep, 07:15
Please click here
...if you wanna know. Blackbird_y
Nev - Fri, 19. Oct, 22:55
Watt isn hier new? ach...
Watt isn hier new? ach nev.... 1 eintrag pro monat...
Ignorey - Fri, 14. Sep, 16:24
...of the limit that twoday.net gives you...with all...
Nev - Fri, 15. Jun, 22:10

Without Music, Life would be a Mistake

Small Faces
Itchycoo Park

Snow Patrol /w Martha Wainwright
Set the Fire to the Third Bar

Bonnie 'Prince' Billy
I See a Darkness

Turn the Page, Read.

E. A. Proulx
Brokeback Mountain

Ethan Hawke
Ash Wednesday

J.R.R. Tolkien
Lord of the Rings

Michael Cunningham
A Home at the End of the World

Type in and find out...



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