Friday, 27. January 2006

NO!!!! >_< :´(

22-20s split
The band decide to call it a day

Following four years together, the band have decided to part ways blaming an intensive touring schedule which "put us in a state of arrested development at a crucial time".

In a lengthy statement on the band's Myspace page,, singer Martin Trimble said: "Listening to Lightnin' Hopkins, Albert King and Buddy Guy made me want to pick up a guitar. What immediately made me fall in love with blues was the rawness, simplicity and the truth of it. I wanted 22-20s to be about taking that essence and using it as fuel to create something both we and other people could relate to.

"I think initially most bands wear their influences on their sleeve but for a number of reasons we've not been able to go beyond that first stage. It was always our desire to start writing and recording a follow-up record as soon as the first studio album was recorded. That didn't happen - we toured for a year and a half. There is a prevailing myth within music that touring is always the hard-working, 'honest' way to connect with people. The reality for us is that I think it is difficult to move away from a certain sound when you are reminded of it every night. Unfortunately we were not surrounded by people who understood that."

He continued: "Honesty is about playing songs you passionately believe in, playing in a band you passionately believe in and I am no longer able to say that about 22-20s. I am no longer comfortable being in a band named after a blues song. Much like the last record it indicates where I was four years ago and what I was listening to. It doesn't accurately reflect what I listen to now and where I want to go. I'm no longer comfortable with people's perception of what we represent.

"Being in a hard working, British-blues touring band has never been something I've wished to endorse yet that's we what appear to have drifted into. In light of this, a decision has been made to call it a day and to go our separate ways."

Trimble revealed that he is currently working on new material.

I can't believe it. :( At least I've seen them live in London which was great. *sigh* :(

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