16 days.
Waiting is the curse of my life. I do believe that.
(Without trying to copy the Devlins...)
Waiting for the next day
waiting for a good day
waiting for that special day
waiting for the better days
waiting for another day
waiting for yesterday
waiting for tomorrow
waiting for a phonecall
waiting for a postcard
waiting for the year to end
waiting for the better end
waiting for the waiting to be over
at last.

(Without trying to copy the Devlins...)
Waiting for the next day
waiting for a good day
waiting for that special day
waiting for the better days
waiting for another day
waiting for yesterday
waiting for tomorrow
waiting for a phonecall
waiting for a postcard
waiting for the year to end
waiting for the better end
waiting for the waiting to be over
at last.

Nev - Mon, 5. Dec, 17:57